Welcome toaha.www.i494.com, a forum to share the Aha! moments that get ideas to click. Here’s how it works:

##1. Discuss a Topic That Needs Insight

Find (or create) a topic that needs intuitive analogies, such as theLaPlace TransformorLinear Algebra. This post becomes a central home for discussing the concept.

  • Let’s stick to math/science/programming topics for now
  • Use a general Wikipedia-style title to start, such asLaplace Transform. If a topic gets huge, we can create a subtopic likeLaplace Transform: Geometric Intuition.
  • 分享任何有用的资源:有效的链接/视频、类比或概念性问题。(i.e., “I can’t figure out how to think about problem XYZ”, not “Help me solve this homework problem.”)

##2. Highlight Aha! Moments


These key insights can be summarized at the top of the post. Ideally they are “tweet-able” and short.

##3. Contribute an Article

After a discussion gets a critical mass of Aha! moments, it can be spun into a lesson.

  • I (Kalid) will write new posts onBetterExplained.combased on the discussions
  • Anyone can create new articles (on this forum in theArticlecategory, or on your blog), and these will be linked from the main discussions as well

The forum content is under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA 3.0, same as Wikipedia), and belongs to everyone: re-use and re-mix as much as you like.

Q: How is this different from Wikipedia?

A few ways:

  • The goal is discovering helpful insights, not creating an end-to-end reference.
  • wiki无穷无尽地发展着,并且拥有令人生畏的大量细节(有时可以在Wikipedia上查找一个数学概念)。Here, the goal is an intuitive summary of a concept.
  • Everyone keeps their own voice. Wikis merge contributions into a generic voice, but here we link to fleshed-out articles from authors.

This forum is a farmer’s market where everyone brings their favorite ingredients. Individual chefs can take their favorites and create a meal they like.

More isn’t better: what’s the smallest set of insights that leads to a deep understanding?

Q: How do I write posts?

This forum uses Markdown, a form of text with formatting shortcuts (tutorial).

  • Adding images: click this icon in the toolbar:. Add images from the web, your computer (drag & drop), or even copy-paste into the editor.

  • Diagrams are very helpful for conveying understanding. I like PowerPoint on the desktop, and drawing online withSketchPad(请参阅顶部的图表文章)。

  • Write equations with LaTeX between two dollar signs, so$$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$becomes

$$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$

  • 内联方程可以使用单个美元符号,只要两边都有空格。For example:$x^2$will become $x^2$ but$3.14 + $2.97won’t trigger because there is a 2 right next to the last dollar sign.

  • MathJax quick reference

Q: I have a suggestion for this forum, where should I put it?

Great! The forum is new andideas are welcomein the meta area.Click herefor the earlier version ofaha.www.i494.com.

你好再次,Kalid !我去啊!很长一段时间后,我很高兴地看到它转向了“话语”。

That said,there doesn’t seem to be much activity here(I seem to be thefirst海报外);and that’s a shame because I really did like going throughhugeamount of content that used to be generated here.

I’d actually come here looking for some old discussions I had with you;but almost left the site before I saw the discreet link to the archives, so maybe you could make it more prominent:

To spur engagement back up,why don’t you migrate some stuff back to this site? As a visitor, I’d be more likely to contribute if I saw that the forum was thriving.

I realize that hand-migration would probably be a huge waste of your time, and you might as well write more articles than format and filter the raw insights; but automated-migration might make the sight messy again.

I’m leaning towards the latter: content is more important than presentation right now. Maybe you could add amigratedtag that would be removed when the community integrates the posts into the new website like StackExchange did while moving from MSO to MSE.

All that said, I do hope you’re not giving up on the site; and I’ll probably be back again soon. Also, please tag this post asmeta; it’s offending my OCD.

As a last thought, maybe an email to all your subscribers after the migration reminding them about the site would help?

(BTW, I was almost going to sign off with “Regards, Yatharth” like I would in a well-thought e-mail instead of a quickly-written comment. This Discourse format sure is more conducive to these kind of discussions…)


  1. Yep, this site is currently in testing mode, and it’s not quite fit for public consumption yet. I’ve been experimenting with content structuring and definitely want to import the old discussions.

  2. Moved to meta:smile:

  3. 此外,我想用它作为所有讨论(包括文章评论)的集合点,因为它更容易投稿(和编辑回复,使用LaTeX,嵌入视频和链接等)。

Really appreciate the feedback so far, I’m going to be doing a formal announcement once I get the pieces in place.

Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten the comments! That\s something else I’ve talked to you about before, but Discourse can just blow all of those concerns out of the water.

I’m thinking something like whatCodingHorror has done? Namely: a link to automatically-created discussion around articles at the bottom of articles, followed by some read-only hand-picked or top-rated comments.

Do you have a time-frame? Also, I don’t have school any more; so I’d love to help, if you need some.

Exactly! CodingHorror is my inspiration for how to setup the blog article + comment discussion. Regular WordPress comments are just painful now.
