Finding Unity in the Math Wars

I usually avoid current events, but recentskirmishesin the math world prompted me to chime in. To recap, there’ve been heated discussions about math education and the role of online resources like Khan Academy.

As fun as a good math showdown may appear, there’s a bigger threat: Apathy. And Justin Bieber.

Educators, online or not, don’t compete with each other. They struggle to be noticed in our math-phobic society, where we casuallywonder“Should algebra be taught at all?” not “Can algebra be taught better?”.

Entertainment is great; I love Starcraft. But it’s alarming when a prominent learning initiative gets less attention than a throwaway pop song (Super Bass: 268M views in a year; Khan Academy: 175M views in 5 years). Online learning is a rounding error next to Justin Bieber — “Baby” has 700M views alone.

What do we need? The Math Avengers. Different heroes, different tactics, and not without differences… but everyone fighting on the same side. Against Bieber.

I could be walking into a knife fight with an ice cream cone, but I’d like to approach each side with empathy and offer specific suggestions to bridge the gap.

The Big Misunderstanding

Superheroes need a misunderstanding before working together. It’s inevitable, and here’s ours (as a math relationship, of course):

Bad Teacher < Online Learning < Good teacher

The problem is in considering each part separately.

  • Is Khan Academy (free, friendly, always available) better than a mean, uninformed, or absent teacher? Yes!

  • 有吸引力的人类体验比从电脑上学习更好吗?是的!

But, really, the ultimate solution is Online learning + Good Teachers.

Tactics differ, but we can agree on the mission: give students great online resources, and give teachers tools to augment their classroom.




I entered college and was slapped in the face by my freshman year math class.

Professors at big universities must know everything, right? If I didn’t get a concept, something must be wrong with me, right?



I was studying, staring at a blue book when an aha! moment struck. I could see the Matrix: equations were a description of twists, turns and rotations. Their meaning became “obvious” in the way a circle must be round. What else could it be?


Paranoid I’d forget, I put my notes online and they evolved into this site: insights thatactuallyworked for me. Articles one,imaginary numbers, andcalculusbecame popular — I think we all crave deep understanding. Bad teaching was a burst of gamma rays: I’m normally mild mannered, but enter Hulk Mode when recalling how my passion nearly died.

My core beliefs:

  • 一次糟糕的经历可以毁掉多年的美好经历。学生需要资源来避开糟糕的教学。

  • Hard-won insights, sometimes found after years of teaching, need to be shared

  • Learning “success” means having basic skills and the passion to learn more. A year, 5 years from now, do people seek out math? Or at least not hate it? (Compare #ihatemath to #ihategeography)

(Oh, I had great teachers too, likeProf. Kulkarni. The bad one just unlocked the Hulk.)

An Open letter to Khan Academy and Teachers

I recently heard a quote about constructive dialog: “Don’t argue the exact point a person made. Consider their position and respond to the best point theycouldhave made.”

Here’s the concerns I see:

Packaging and presentation matters

Yes, other resources and tutorials exist, but there’s power in a giant, organized collection. We visit Wikipedia because we know what to expect, and it’s consistent.


So, let’s use the magic of friendly, exploratory, bite-sized learning of topics.

Community matters

Teachers and online tools don’t “compete” any more than Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street did. They’re both ways to help.




Human interaction matters

我们很容易误解可汗学院的目标。I’ve seen many of their blog posts and videos, and believe Khan Academy wants to workwith促进教师深入理解。

But, some news coverage shows students working silently in front of computersin class, not watching at home to free up class time for personal discussions.


Experience matters


But do we feel it? How long is a million seconds, roughly? C’mon, guess. Ready? It’s 12 days.

Ok, now how long is a billion seconds? It’s… wait for it… 31 years. 31 years!


Teachers draw on years of experience to get ideas to click — let’s feed this back into the online lessons.

Students matter

We teach for the same reason: to help students. Here’s a few specific situations to consider.

Finding Unity in the Math Wars

Finding Unity in the Math Wars

For many, Khan Academy is their only positive math experience: not teachers, or peers, or parents, but a video. Sure, it’s not the same as an in-person teacher, but it’s miles beyond an absent or hostile one. If an education experience gets someone excited to learn, and coming back to math, we should celebrate.

Remember, despite years of positive experiences and acing tests, a sufficiently bad class nearly drove me away from math. Resources like Khan Academy offer a lifeline: “Even with a bad teacher, I can still learn”.

Finding Unity in the Math Wars


Lastly, we all learn differently. I generally prefer text to videos (faster to read, and I can “pause” with my eyes and think). Some like the homemade feel of Khan’s videos. Others might like the polished overviews inMinutePhysics. You might prefer3-act math storiesormodeling instruction.

Let’s offer several types of resources for students to enjoy.

Calling the Math Avengers

Still here? Fantastic. To all teachers, online and non:

  • 我们可以采取哪些具体步骤来协调我们的努力?


Khan Academy is well-organized: each topic has a video and sample problems. How about sections for complementary teaching styles, projects, and misconceptions?

Imagine a student could select their “Math hero” as Khan Academy or PatrickJMT or James Tanton and see lessons in the style they prefer (like Wikipedia, curate the list to “notable” resources).


Whatever the style, make it easy for other educators to contribute. Want project-based videos? Sure. Need step-by-step tutorials? Great. Prefer a conceptual overview? No problem.


Finding Unity in the Math Wars

(It’s apublic google docyou can copy and edit)

Perfect? Nope. But it’s a starting point to think about how we can work together.

Let’s focus on the overlap and align our efforts: different heroes, different tactics, and on the same side.

Other Posts In This Series

  1. Developing Your Intuition For Math
  2. 我们为什么要学数学?
  3. How to Develop a Mindset for Math
  4. 学习数学?像漫画家一样思考。
  5. Math As Language: Understanding the Equals Sign
  6. Avoiding The Adjective Fallacy
  7. Finding Unity in the Math Wars
  8. Brevity Is Beautiful
  9. 世界杯2022赛程时间表最新
  10. Intuition, Details and the Bow/Arrow Metaphor
  11. Learning To Learn: Intuition Isn't Optional
  12. Learning To Learn: Embrace Analogies
  13. Learning To Learn: Pencil, Then Ink
  14. Learning to Learn: Math Abstraction
  15. Learning Tip: Fix the Limiting Factor
  16. Honest and Realistic Guides for Learning
  17. Empathy-Driven Mathematics
  18. Studying a Course (Machine Learning) with the ADEPT Method
  19. Math and Analogies
  20. Colorized Math Equations
  21. Analogy: Math and Cooking
  22. Learning Math (Mega Man vs. Tetris)

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