Getting Going with WordPress

A list of what I've done to get the WordPress blog software up and running.

Get setup

  • Download, extract
  • Create database in PHPMyAdmin
  • Run setup

Get a theme you like


  • Update your theme colors, text, layout
  • Better title tags using the Optimal Title plugin. I'm not a huge fan of SEO, but it helps to have the title come after the post name.

  • Better permalinks:/articles/%postname%/

  • Better Archives: Just show me a list of all my posts, please!

All Posts

    $posts = get_posts('order=DESC&numberposts=50000'); foreach ($posts as $post) : ?>
  • in

Read Blogs & Articles

Plugins I actually use

  • WP-Cache非常快的缓存插件。Remember tochmod a+x上传后的.php文件。
Add to wp-config.php: define('WP_CACHE', true); Added to cached pages:  
  • Edit In PlaceKiller plugin, lets you edit posts “in place” rather than opening up wordpress. Makes your blog more wiki-like in editing.

  • TextControl– I couldn’t decide between Markdown and Textile and this lets me choose on a per-post basis (or no special formatting).

  • Feedburner Feed replacementFeedburner lets you track yourRSSreaders. This redirects your feed to feedburner, and is the most flexible option (you can disable the plugin and serve feeds from your normal site – users always have the sameURL).

  • Akismet anti-spamComment spam is bad. Nuff said.

  • LatexRendererI’m a geek and want to write formulas in my posts using Latex. Install this if you want to as well.

  • Code Markup同样,对于那些想要在他们的帖子中轻松包含代码而不需要转义每一个>和<的极客来说。

  • Google AnalyticatorEasily add your google analytics code to your blog.

  • WP-ContactFormAdd an email form to your site. Great for getting quick feedback – not everyone wants to email you at your real address.

  • WP-TranslateAdds links to Google Translate to make your blog available in other languages. Useto add the sidebar.

  • Optimal Title– Make the title of your blog come after your post name (better for search engines and looks better too).

<?php if ( function_exists('optimal_title') ) { optimal_title('|'); bloginfo('name'); } else { bloginfo('name'); wp_title('|'); } ?> <?php if ( is_home() ) { ?> | <?php bloginfo('description'); } ?>
  • Google Sitemap PluginSitemaps are a list of all the pages on your site, which help Google and other search engines crawl your site. Use them.

  • Related Posts列出与当前文章相关的文章,有助于你的读者探索这个网站。Make sure to wrap the function call:

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