Math Webinar Sat 6/19/2010 @ 2pm EST

Math seems to get magical in groups.Maria Droujkovaorganizes the awesomeMath 2.0 interest group这是我最近才知道的——我很郁闷直到现在才听说!这里有一个邮件列表,著名数学爱好者的网络研讨会(MathOverflow、Cut the Knot、Art of Problem Solving的主持人),以及其他旨在提高数学教育水平的活动。

We’ll be doing an online webcast on Better Explained/InstaCalc at 2pm Eastern Standard Time on Sat 6/19. I plan to bring up approaches I’ve found helpful in math teaching/learning, the role of tools, and developing our intuition beyond rote memorization. But more importantly, the net lets us collaborate at a level not dreamed about a decade ago — I’m interested in hearing your ideas!

Hope to see you there!

Update: The webinar was a blast!Click herefor the full recording, including video, voice, and text chat.


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