
I’m looking for a site tagline, and would love your help. Just something to explain the site theme in a few words, such as:

  • 《纽约时报》:所有适合出版的新闻。
  • Mad Magazine: All the news that fits, we print.

我想说这个网站的基调介于两者之间:)。我们的目标是强调理解而不是记忆,分享“哈哈”的见解,以及任何事情都可以简单解释的想法。Here’s a few of my attempts:

  • Know how? Know why.
  • My learning pain. Your learning gain.
  • 尽量简单,但不能更简单。(Einstein quote).

But I know you can do better — enter a fun, bold slogan here:

You can enter as much as you like, for a chance at:

  • First place: \$50 Amazon gift certificate
  • Second place: \$25 Amazon gift certificate
  • Third place \$25 Amazon gift certificate

This contest ends 5:00 PMESTon 12/14/07. I’ll pick the top 3 entries and post the results. Have fun — I want to give out some gifts for the holidays!

PS.I’m always up to projects. My friends and I would appreciate feedback on our idea above: making promotions fun and easy for site owners.

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