
I was too. Despite years of classes, I didn't have a strong understanding of calculus concepts. Sure, I could follow mechanical steps, but I had no lasting intuition.

The classes I've seen are too long, taught in the wrong order, and without solid visualizations. Here's how this course is different:

  • 说到点子上了。一个典型的类会拖着沉重的进度,将Integrals这样的概念保存到第8周。I want to see what calculus can offer byMinute 8. Each compact, tightly-written lesson can be read in 15 minutes.
  • Concepts are taught in their natural order.Most classes begin with the theory of limits, a technical concept discovered 150 yearsaftercalculus was invented. That's like putting a new driver into a Formula-1 racecar on day 1. We can begin with the easy-to-grasp concepts discovered 2000 years ago.
  • It has vivid analogies and visualizations.Calculus is usually defined as the "study of change"... which sounds like history or geology. Instead of an abstract definition, we'll see calculus a step-by-step viewpoint to explore patterns.
  • It's written by a human, for humans.我不是傲慢的教授,也不是严厉的女教师。我是一个朋友,我发现了一种有趣的方法来内化一些困难的想法。这门课是边喝咖啡边聊天,不是让你乖乖坐在座位上的讲座。


What You Will Learn

The course is split into sections, and you can explore to the depth you desire. You don't need to build a car to enjoy driving one.

  • Appreciation and Description

  • Theory and Performance

  • How To Learn Math

    The theme of the course is that starting with the key concepts, not mechanical definitions, makes learning enjoyable. Get the specifics of how to apply this strategy.

  • The Core Rules Of Calculus

    Once we know what calculus does, we can work out the rules for behavior on our own. We can understand, not memorize, the results.

  • The Calculus Viewpoint

    Calculus is a way to see the world with "X-Ray" and "Time-Lapse" vision. Learn to apply this perspective to everyday shapes.

  • How To Measure Change

    微积分背后的理论是关于测量微小的变化。But instead of starting here, we explore this ideaafter我们建立了自己的直觉。

  • Describing Calculus With English & Math

    Once you can explain the concepts in your own words, learn to express the idea with the official math terms (derivatives and integrals).

  • 阿基米德公式

    With our understanding of the rules in place, we use our calculus perspective to discover connections Archimedes spent his life to find.

Join Thousands Of Happy Readers

Here's a few samples of anonymous feedback as people went through the course. The material covers a variety of levels, whether you're looking for intuitive appreciation or the specifics of the rules.
I've done all of this stuff before, and I do understand calculus intuitively, but this was the most fun I've had going through this kind of thing. The informal writing and multitude of great analogies really helps this become an enjoyable read and the rest is simple after that - you make this seem easy, but at the same time, you aren't doing it for us…This is what math education is supposed to be like :)
I have psychology and medicine background so I relate your ideas to my world. To me the most useful idea was what each circle production feels like. Rings are natural growth…Slices are automatable chunks and automation cheapens production… Boards in the shape on an Arch are psychologically most palatable for work (wind up, hard part, home stretch). Brilliant and kudos, from one INTP to another
That was breathtaking. Seriously, mail my air back please, I've grown used to it. Beautiful work, thank you. Lesson 15 was masterful. I am starting to feel calculus. "d/dx is good" (sorry, couldn't resist!)

Personal Discussions To Help Ideas Click

It's not enough to read about an idea - it needs to click for you. After each lesson there are class discussions to help resolve any questions you may have. Here's a few excerpts:

Lessons For Lasting Intuition

The ebook was made with care, from a print-quality layout, to vivid diagrams, and analogies that help ideas click in seconds.

A lot of math lessons seem to present detail after detail, without an emphasis on visualization or lasting understanding.

这些经验教训是基于数百万读者阅读的文章,并随着数以千计的评论和直接反馈而演变。12强赛积分榜最新Here's what's you'll get in the course:

  • 15-chapter eBook with a professional layout (sample)
  • 15 video lessons walking through each chapter (2.5 hours total)
  • Original PowerPoint slides and images for all diagrams
  • Quizzes to check your intuition and check for a genuine understanding
  • Invitations to class webinars

Q & A

  • What math background do I need?

    It depends on the depth you want to go to. I think anyone reading this can handle the first 4-5 lessons. The latter ones require basic algebra. No trigonometry, just being able to expand out equations like (x+2)(x+3)=x2+ 5x + 6.

  • How are the videos delivered?


    You don't need any special software - if you can see the videos on this page, you can access everything you need for the course.

  • How does this compare to other math classes or books?


    The resources I've seen tend to march through details onhowto do math without explaining thewhy.

    My goal is to build a lasting understanding of Calculus, long after the specific formulas have been forgotten.

  • What if the course doesn't work for me?

    That's no problem at all. Justcontact me60天内立即无条件退款。我很自豪地说,这门课程的满意率达到了99%。


  • 我可以发邮件问你问题吗?

    You bet. If you purchase the course, feel free tocontact me对所涉及的任何主题提出问题,或使用每节课出现的讨论区。

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eBook, Videos, Slides, Discussion

  • Online Course Text
  • Print-quality PDF ebook
  • Video walkthroughs for each lesson
  • Per-lesson class discussions
  • PowerPoint slides for all diagrams
  • Quizzes to check understanding
  • Invitations to class webinars
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About The Author & BetterExplained.com

Kalid Azad毕业于普林斯顿大学,获得计算机科学学位。He has been writing professionally for over a decade, from chapters in the best-selling "How to Program" textbooks (from Deitel, Inc.) to technical whitepapers for Microsoft, Corp.

Kalid has tutored math since high school (99% percentile for SAT/GRE/GMAT) and is enamored with finding the clearest, most intuitive insights on seemingly-complicated topics.

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