Calculus, Better Explained: Summary

1. Intuition-First Learning

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Learning Strategy: Blurry, then refine Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Music Analogy In music: Appreciation (sounds good!), description (hum it), symbols (sheet music), performance (play it) In math: Appreciation (aha!), description (English), symbols (math), performance (calculate)
Appreciation vs. Performance We can enjoy listening to music even if we can't play it. We canthinkwith calculus even if we can't (yet)computewith calculus.

2. Appreciating Calculus

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Calculus in 1 minute See the world with X-Ray and Time-Lapse vision. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Calculus in 10 minutes New viewpoints lead to insights: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Calculus explains X-Ray and Time-Lapse vision exist, they are opposites (splitting apart, gluing together) and any pattern can be analyzed.Arithmetic gives us add/subtract, multiply/divide, exponents/roots. "Calculus arithmetic" also has X-Ray (split apart) and Time-Lapse (glue together).
So what can I do with Calculus? See patterns at a deeper level and make predictions we couldn't before.
Example: Analyzing a Circle 用圆环、切片或木板建造;每一种都有权衡。 Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Ring-by-ring View Organic growth, increasing effort. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Slice-by-slice View Assembly-line, predictable progress Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Board-by-board View Robotic, never retracing Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
3d versions Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
How to think with calculus For your situation:
  • X-Ray: What's the next thing that will happen? Any trend?
  • Time-lapse: What outcome are these changes leading to?

3. Describing Calculus (English → Math)

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Organize Our Descriptions Direction of slices in orange. Arrange slices side-by-side for easy comparison. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Term: Derivative Creating a pattern of step-by-step slices along a path (i.e., rings, slices, boards, etc.).
Term: Integral 将切片堆积成一个形状(我们在做什么?)
Notation Details 衍生品only require the direction we move when taking slices:frac(d)(dr)means slice along r's direction. Integrals require direction we glue together (dr), where we start/stop (0tor), and the size of each slice (2 π r dr: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Computer Calculation Wolfram Alpha can compute integrals/derivatives when asked: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Note about Abstraction Begin thinking about general patterns (x, x^2), not just specific shapes (a line, a square).
Lines Lines (f(x) = ax) change by a steadyaeach time, like building a fence.
Squares Squares (f(x) = x2) change by2x + 1: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary

4. Learning To Measure Change

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Infinite processes can point to a result Analogy: fly going back and forth. Count its paths ("infinite"), or just the time traveled. Pixellated letters point to the smooth whole.
Analogy: Measuring Heart Rate Get on treadmill, hook up wires, run. The measurement is your heart rateunder stress. Must then remove impact of wires.
The formal derivative Find change, then assume change had zero effect: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Example 2x + dx overset(dx = 0) Longrightarrow 2x, sofrac(d)(dx) x2= 2x, with errors artifacts removed
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus The shortcut to computing the integral is finding a pattern that made the changes we're seeing.
Integrals are Reverse Engineered See patterns of steps and ask: what shape could have made this? Calculus, Better Explained: Summary L-shapes come from changing squares. Instead of adding (5 + 7 + 9 = 21), take the final square and subtract the starting one (25 - 4 = 21).

5. The Core Rules Of Calculus

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Multiplication Rule\displaystyle{(f \cdot g)' = f \cdot dg + g \cdot df} Grow a garden on two sides; ignore the corner. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Simple Division\displaystyle{ \left( \frac{1}{x} \right)' = -\frac{1}{x^2}} Splitting cake, new person enters (from halves to thirds). Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Insight: Each perspective makes a contribution With 3 variables you have 3 perspectives to add: Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Derivative ofx · x · xhas three identical perspectives (x2+ x2+ x2) or3 x2.
Power Rule\displaystyle{\frac{d}{dx} x^n = n x^{n-1} } Each side has a point of view; I change, others are the same. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Rule Summary Calculus, Better Explained: Summary

6. Finding Archimedes' Formulas

Concept Key Analogy / Takeaway
Find the circle/sphere formulas X-Ray and Time-Lapse a single ring into the other shapes. Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Circumference to Area Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Area to Volume Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Calculus, Better Explained: Summary Calculus, Better Explained: Summary
Volume to Surface Area Calculus, Better Explained: Summary \displaystyle{\text{area of shell} = \frac{\text{volume of shell}}{\text{depth of shell}} = \frac{dV}{dr} }\displaystyle{\frac{d}{dr} V = \frac{d}{dr} \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 = \frac{4}{3} \pi \frac{d}{dr} r^3 = \frac{4}{3} \pi (3 r^2) = 4 \pi r^2 }
Historical Note Archimedes had a calculus mindset: he re-arranged discs, cylinders, cones, etc. to make "easy to measure" slices. The techniques you already know would make him tear up.