Newsletter Signup

Hi all! I’m starting an email list for Better Explained readers and everyone interested in deep, intuitive learning. Sign up with the form below:

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Why Should I Sign Up?

If you like the blog, you’ll enjoy the email list too. I’ll be sharing the insights & techniques that took me from “huh?” to “aha!” on topics in math, programming, and communication. These periodic emails will include:

  • Exclusive content & previews
  • Short learning tips / essays / additional material that weren’t the right fit for the blog
  • Q&A on topics that are bothering you
  • Announcements & discounts for Better Explained products I think you’ll enjoy

The blog explains ideas as I wish they were taught. The email list shares information I wish I’d seen.


A few reasons:

  • Email has better interaction. I can write, you can read & reply at your leisure. Social media seems noisy and non-personal — I want a conversation. (I creditScott Youngandpatio11用于启动电子邮件的想法)。

  • 媒介塑造信息。博客文章对于长篇幅、单一主题的文章来说是很好的选择。电子邮件更喜欢简短、小块的内容。我发现自己保留了一些材料,因为它们不适合写博客(但仍然有价值!)

  • Better sustainability. The goal of Better Explained is to be a lifelong project. Keeping in touch ensures the material stays useful and enjoyable, and that products (like the existingebook + screencasts) dramatically increase your understanding.

I love blogging and will always write. Email is another method to get quick feedback, with blog posts to distill the final results.

